- 10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting EasyAlan Cleaver / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
They say losing weight is not a sprint but a marathon and that is so right. Getting fit is not about picking up salad now and then but it’s a life time commitment. The celebrities we envy for their amazing figure stay that way because of their dedication and determination towards their health not to mention the army of experts they have to tell them what to eat. Anyways I personally hate the word dieting. I prefer eating right or eating healthy as that is exactly what one should do while trying to get slim.
It is always a good idea to get your doctor’s advice before you start any diet. There are many medical reasons why a person gains weight it can because of hormonal imbalance, PCOS, Stress, Thyroid or any other tendency in body that makes it store more fat than required. It is important that you get necessary tests done and find out the precise cause of your weight gain. Once you get a cure for the health problem that keeps you fat, losing weight will become easy and effortless. Do not follow fad diets that have one glove fits all attitude, they never work.
“Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey.” — Harry Papas.
Find out a tailor-made diet for you from your doctor or a licensed nutritionist. The right advice will help you get all the required nourishment while you lose excess fat. If we just focus on the weighing scale we might create vitamin deficiency and invite some other health issue. Our goal should be getting completely healthy or as I always say Vibrantly Healthy and Radiantly Beautiful.
10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting Easy
1. Inspiration: Fill up your surrounding with inspiring images of yourself at your ideal weight or cut out some images of celebrities and pin them up wherever you can see them regularly like your bathroom mirror, next to your bed, in your closet, on your desk, on fridge door or on the ceiling above your bed. Anywhere and everywhere you can see. It may look silly to others but there is a reason behind this mental strategy. If you constantly see fit and healthy images your subconscious mind will pick it up and start making a new healthy blueprint for your body.
2. Preparation: Before you start eating healthy prepare your kitchen with enough stock of the right kind of food. Store enough quantity of healthy and fresh food like fruits and vegetables. Don’t wait to eat till you are starving. Prepare your healthy meal, vegetable juices/ smoothies and salads in time so you don’t snack on anything unhealthy.
3. Smaller Plates: This is the best tip to start eating well. You will notice a decrease in your food intake as soon as you start eating in smaller plates and bowls. When we were kids our parents told us to finish everything on our plate and that programming is still engraved in our mind. Hence if we eat in bigger plates we unconsciously eat more than our requirement. If you always feel bloated after meal you should immediately switch to smaller plates. Smaller portion in a small plate creates the illusion of plenty which gives a satisfying signal to our brain even before we start eating.
4. Keep away from Temptations: If you find it difficult to say no to temptations. It is a good idea to stay away from it. I will still say it is ok to have a controlled helping of your most desired food once in a while as long as it is not frequent. Avoid completely any food that leaves a guilty feeling.
5. Keep Full: The best way to stay on track with your diet is to keep yourself full with allowed or healthy options. Eat a large bowl of salad or fruits or a handful of nuts at the time you know you get hungry. If you keep healthy food nearby before your hunger pangs start you will save yourself from eating unhealthy food.
6. Raw Food: Eating raw food like salads, raw vegetables smoothing, nuts and fruits may take some getting used to but they can be a blessing for your metabolic rate. Eating raw colorful fresh fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber that helps improve our digestion. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables before meals and during snack time will cure bloating, constipation and indigestion. Raw fruits and vegetables make our skin healthy and glowing.
7. Keep Records: By keeping records of change in your weight and measurements you keep yourself motivated. Fix a day and time to check your weight and measurements and write down the changes in diary or on your computer. Now days many mobile apps are available for this purpose. In some amazing apps you can also record daily calorie intake and number of calorie burnt after exercise. I am strongly against checking weight daily as that puts a lot of stress on us. Our weight fluctuates up and down when we are dieting so checking it on a weekly basis helps us see the exact difference.
8. Eat Slow and Enjoy your Food: When we suddenly start eating smaller portions it can feel challenging. For me the best solution for this is eating slowly and chewing food for a longer time. I do not eat in front of TV anymore. I sit in a quiet and peaceful place without any disturbance and enjoy my food for as long as I can. Of course we cannot do this for our breakfast and lunch but I advice to eat your dinner peacefully and slowly. Enjoy each and every bite of your food by eating it slowly and chewing for a longer time. Do not get negative thoughts that I do not like this food or why only I have to eat like this. Show love and respect to whatever healthy food you are having and in return you will see its positive impact on your health. By eating slowly and chewing for a longer time digests the food in a much better way. You will feel full with very little food and will avoid overeating and all its ill effects like indigestion, bloating.
9. Positive Body Image: The body image we have in our subconscious mind drafts a blueprint that each cell in our body follows. If subconsciously we feel like a fat person than we have automated our body cells to keep us fat. That is the main reason a fat person gains back all the lost weight. Similarly a person with a slim body image in the subconscious mind stays slim without much effort. Changing our subconscious mind’s body image is time consuming and challenging. In my next post I will mention tips to change our body image to slim and healthy.
10. Keep Hydrated: Dehydration can be a side effect of dieting and drink a lot of healthy fluids like water, green tea or unsweetened vegetable and fruit juices can keep you hydrated. Healthy fluid maintains our body’s pH balance and keeps our skin soft and young.
“Food, like your money, should be working for you!” — Rita Deattrea Beckford M.D.
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This post makes us aware about the diet, and it gives us great tips for an easy dieting.
This post makes aware about the diet, and it gives us great tips for an easy dieting.
These 10 tips about diet are really very helpful for us. Following these tips in our daily life would be great for us, and it will help us to live a healthier life.