The rainy days make me crave my beloved tea more than ever. I can enjoy a hot cup of tea any time of the day and during monsoons when the climate gets cold our body can use some help from herbs and spices added to our teas or soups.
Lemongrass and Ginger are my go-to add-ons as they both not only add flavor and aroma to our favorite teas and soups but they also are tremendously beneficial for health. This article focuses on the benefits of Lemongrass and I will post another one that would talk about ginger and why we need to consume it regularly for a healthy lifestyle.
How to use it:
Method 1: Culinary:
Lemongrass is widely used in Asian cultures while making teas, soups and even curries. Wash and cut 1 or 2 blades of Lemongrass
Add in the boiling water while making teas or soups.
Strain or pick out from tea/soup before consuming.
Method 2: Aromatherapy:
Lemongrass oil is extensively used in aromatherapy due to its therapeutic effects, which help in revitalizing the body. Lemongrass Oil possesses antifungal, insecticidal, and antiseptic properties. Lemongrass consists of beneficial ingredients, most notably essential oils such as neroli, citronellol, myrcene, dipentene, geraniol, and methyl heptenone.
11 Benefits of Lemongrass
- Anti-Oxidant,
- Anti-Bacterial,
- Anti-Fungal,
- Cures Flu and Cold:
Lemongrass contains antioxidants, which can help scavenge free radicals in your body that cause disease. They also contain anti-bacterial and antifungal properties which provide reliefs in cold, cough, fever, and flu symptoms. The vitamin C in the Lemongrass provides relief from nasal blockages and bronchial asthma. The anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties of Lemongrass effectively treat infections such as sores, scabies, ringworm, Athlete’s foot, even urinary tract infections (UTIs).
5. Aids in Weight Loss:
Lemongrass added to your broths, soups or teas helps with improving your metabolic rate and enhances the oxidation of fatty acids in the body. Lemongrass has citral, which is effective against obesity. It promotes the use of stored energy. It consumes the fat accumulated in the abdominal area.
Lemongrass oil possesses natural astringent and toning qualities that help stimulate blood circulation and tone up the dermal tissues. It helps in tightening, uplifting and firming sagging skin Cooling effect of lemongrass oil is beneficial for the body during hot weather and promotes the revival of both the mind and soul.
6. Pain Killer:
Lemongrass used as aromatherapy while taking steam can help release pain from a tired body.
Lemongrass oil is effective in relieving the pain and discomfort caused by rheumatism. It can be mixed in a carrier oil and massage the affected area. Phytonutrients in Lemongrass helps with spasms, sprains, backaches and muscle cramps.
7. Improves Digestion:
Lemongrass works great for Digestive problems. Lemongrass tea can provide relief from constipation, ulcerative colitis, diarrhea, nausea and stomach aches.
8. Reduces Stress:
Mix some Lemon Grass oil with the essential oil of Lavender. Put a few drops of this mixture in your warm bathing water. Take a bath to revitalize your body and relieve stress. A therapeutic bath assists in calming the nerves relieving one from the symptoms of anxiety and fatigue caused by stress.
9. Treats Fever:
In Ayurvedic medication, Lemongrass is used to cure with fevers and infectious illnesses. Boil some Lemongrass in water and Inhale the vapor thrice a day. Have Tea infused with Lemongrass?
10. Normalises Blood Pressure:
High potassium content in Lemongrass helps to reduce and regulate blood pressure.
11. Cleanses Organs:
Lemongrass has natural diuretic properties that help flush out toxins, uric acid, and bad cholesterol out of the body which cleanses vital organs live liver and kidneys.
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Lemongrass is a great discovery for me as i’m in my early 20’s and it is very important for me to keep up the energy throughout the day and i guess lemongrass tea will support me to refresh my body