I would like to thank Jabong.com for recognizing and appreciating my blog for their SheInspires initiative which I admire as it celebrates the spirit and journey of inspiring women. My story – http://www.jabong.com/womens-day-story-yamini/

I admire the #SheInspires initiative of Jabong.com that recognizes and celebrates the spirit and journey of inspiring women. I am thankful to Jabong.com for this opportunity to write about my journey as a woman blogger. My blog The Vibrant Writer (www.thevibrantwriter.com) is about Weight Loss, Health, Beauty, Wealth, Spirituality and Happiness.
The Vibrant Writer (www.thevibrantwriter.com) is about #abundance in all aspects of life. I am a student of life and nature. Through my blog I share my findings with anyone who is interested in the same. It gives me immense pleasure if my research plays a part in enriching any of my readers’ life even if it makes a small positive impact. My blog started as a self rescue plan and gradually developed into a launching pad for my writing career and much more.
A decade back I moved to Mumbai when I started my career as a marketing manager with India’s largest private bank. The job and commute demanded most of my waking time of the day. I avoided my health and personal time for 4 continuous years keeping my job as a priority. It had a very adverse effect on my health. Unhealthy and irregular eating habits, lots of fast food consumption, lack of exercise, stress and long sitting hours created hormonal imbalance due to which I gained a lot of weight.
My job was still a priority to me and I could not give any special time or attention to any obesity related health issues. I felt like I got a wakeup call when my knees gave up on me. My knees would lock in a stiff position and would not let me move. This scared me especially in the long commutes of Mumbai. Doctors suggested surgery but I was completely against it.
In just 4 years of my career I had to choose between health and money. I am very glad I choose health and resigned from my very well paying job. To make my knees strong again I completely depended upon Naturopathy Treatments, Yoga, Ayurvedic Medicines and Massages. Today I am happy to say my knees and overall health is better than ever and that also without any surgery or allopathic medicines and its nasty side effects.
In my Blog I write about all these natural cures and treatments. After making my knees stronger I concentrated on weight loss in a healthy, natural and safe way. No crash diets, shakes or crazy experiments for me. I started writing about weight loss in my blog before I had any results. Since I started my blog I lost 40 pounds (I need to lose more to reach my ideal weight). This was another successful experiment to prove that health depends highly on our positive attitudes and belief system. Mind is a big section on my blog because I am a believer in power of mind over all aspects of our life.
My blog has helped me keep a record of all natural and effective solutions to health and life problems. My blog helps me share these with the world. This makes a compulsion on me to keep my health on track. It also helped me rekindle my passion for writing which encouraged me to take up various writing assignments including my upcoming books.
I am grateful to my blog for giving me a chance to engage my time and energy into a creative and constructive project. I am grateful as it has given me hope and a sense of belonging which I craved after quitting my job. I do not complain about my health issues in the past as without them I would have not turned to a healthy and better way of living. If I could change any part of my past I would just start my blog earlier.
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Wonderful story! Congratulations on finding your success and being featured on Jabong..