My post on Dealing with Difficult People – Complainer/ Whiner (Part 1) talks about the challenges one has to face when a loved one is a chronic complainer. This emotionally challenging problem can be cured with tough love and some patience. I have also mentioned a simple but effective remedy to get rid of this annoying habit and turning yourself into a happy and positive person.
2. Everyone else:
In this category you can put everyone other complainer you know other than the people close to your heart. In this category you can consider a complainer you work with or a neighbor or some distant relative we cannot get rid off or just a person you once met and somehow he/ she stuck with you. In short anyone you can live without.
The squeaking wheel doesn’t always get the grease. Sometimes it gets replaced.
Dealing with this category is simple as we are not emotionally involved with them. If you have to deal with a chronic complainer in this category you need to learn to give some firm replies to him/ her.
Whenever that person starts complaining don’t just be a passive listener. Try to understand what they are talking about; perhaps you can help them find a solution by asking simple questions like; “Oh! So what are you going to do about it?” or “How are you going to solve this problem?”
. How to identify a chronic complainer?
A chronic complainer is more interested in whining about an issue than to solve it. Till now you may have been a good listener to his/ her series of complains and this is precisely why the chronic complainer chooses you to vent out the huge negative flow of constant complaining.
“Say and do something positive that will help the situation; it doesn’t take any brains to complain.” -Robert A. Cook
Especially in the work place never agree with the complains the complainer is making not even by nodding your head unless you feel the same way; as the complainer can take the liberty to inform everyone else about your agreement and support to his/ her complains.
While the complainer is going on and on like a broken record and you cannot avoid him/ her just interrupt the conversation with sentences like; “I had no idea.” Or “Things don’t look so bad.” Or “Wow; is there anything positive about it?” Or “Sounds like you completely understood the problem, so what solutions have you thought about it?”
“Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious.” – Og Mandino (author of The Greatest Salesman in the World)
This will come as a complete surprise to the complainer and as the complainer is more interested in the complains he/ she will not like your replies and questions. Gradually the complainer will stop considering you as his/ her chosen listener and you will find the peace and quiet you truly deserve.
“When you consistently maintain a positive frame of mind, you’ll become known as a problem-solver rather than a complainer. People avoid complainers. They seek out problem-solvers.” – Joseph Sommerville (author of Rainmaking Presentations)
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Thank you for your comment Datta 🙂 I agree whiners are the worst and running away from them is not always the option. I am glad you liked the post.
whiners are the worst of the lot as they soak in so much of the positive energy. nice ways to deal with them
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