Recently there has been a lot of talk about what you do right after you wake up. I also have three posts on the morning and night rituals (Creative Visualisation – Why I do it? and 3 Mistakes you are probably making while you Pray).
So why I am dedicating a whole post to Pre-Sleep Visualisation Exercise?
It is because I believe this is the most crucial part of the day. Our subconscious mind is most absorbing when we sleep or when we are in a relaxed mode.
“Everything you can imagine is real.” Pablo Picasso
If you have seen a hypnotist at work, you would have noticed that the first thing the hypnotist do is relax the person he wants to hypnotize. He sends him into deep relaxation or sleep mode before he gives him instructions. A learned hypnotist can do wonders at this stage. He can remove fears or deep-seated habits or addictions like smoking. He can make the person confident or even enhance any skills in this semi conscience mode.
“Almost all people are hypnotics. The proper authority saw to it that the proper belief should be induced, and the people believed properly.” Charles Fort
We get to this semi conscious; open to instructions and most absorbing stage just before we go to sleep every night. What we think just before we sleep is very crucial to shape our lives.
Most of us either think of things that went wrong that day or things that may go wrong the next day. Our subconscious mind absorbs all this and marinate in that thought for the whole night before we know it that negative thought becomes a reality in our life.
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt
Following trick may sound childish but it is a very powerful way to remember the pre-sleep visualisation exercise.
Imagine that after you sleep some angel comes and take notes of the last words you were thinking and seals those word for your future i.e. for your life. This angle does not check if it is positive thought or a negative one. It just seals our faith with our thoughts. In short, we are predicting our own future with whatever we are imaging in our mind.
Now if this really happens would you ever think, “I hate my life”; or “This never works out for me” or “Nobody loves me” or any other negative thought
or would you rather use this crucial time to think positive thoughts like;
“I am well,”
“I am content,”
“I am lucky,”
“I am rich,”
“I am strong,”
“I am beautiful,”
“I am blessed with a wonderful family,”
“I am blessed ….;”
Think about it, give it a try. After you say your prayers, count your blessings and kiss your loved ones good night think about positive affirmations or quotes and feel them as a part of your life. Give it a try you have nothing to lose. If it works out let us know.
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot
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Poor sleep has big impact on your cognitive performance. This manifests in two main ways – speed and accuracy
I enjoyed reading your article and indeed in the pre-sleep time our subconscious mind is suggestible. Thank you for the reminder, sometimes I forget about it and do not pay attention to the thoughts running in my mind before sleep. Yet, it is so important to go to sleep with positive thoughts. As you said we are creating our future by imprinting our subconscious in the pre sleep time
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