Silence Sensation Serenity: A Vipassana Course Memoir Paperback is now available on

Silence Sensation Serenity: A Vipassana Course Memoir Paperback is now available on
How Spirituality Helped Heal My Broken Heart

Silence Sensation Serenity describes the spiritual journey that helped me heal heartbreak and find hope. I have kept this book as honest and as genuine as possible. I have poured my heart out in these words so that the readers can find comfort when they face any kind of setback. It is filled with Buddhist wisdom and tales from the days of Buddha that can guide us during our days of struggles. The Buddha has given us a simple scientific path to remove sorrow and find happiness. This path is simple to understand but not easy to follow.
Create A Better Tomorrow with Pre-Sleep Visualization
Create A Better Tomorrow with Pre-Sleep Visualization
5 Easy Habits to Introduce the Magic of Appreciation in Life.
5 easy habits to tame our mind and introduce the magic of appreciation in our life by being more thankful and and complaining less
How to Acquire The Mentality of Successful People
In my last post 5 Life Lessons from Art Of Living Happiness Program I wrote about the 5 life lessons that are taught in the 6 days course. Besides these 5 points we discussed many topics on mind and spirituality. In this post I want to share about the life lesson that affected me the…
Dealing with Difficult People – Complainer/ Whiner (Part 2)
My post on Dealing with Difficult People – Complainer/ Whiner (Part 1) talks about the challenges one has to face when a loved one is a chronic complainer. This emotionally challenging problem can be cured with tough love and some patience. I have also mentioned a simple but effective remedy to get rid of this…