Since my last post – Is there a Formula for Failure? Lesson from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s ‘Your Sacred Self’ I felt like I told half of a story. In that, post we discussed how to avoid failures and the next question that popped up my mind was “Is there a formula for success?”

I have read a lot of material on success and goal setting. From all the great books I read I learned that there is not a single path to success. Successful people find or if required build their own road to achieve their dreams. Well I don’t have a formula for success (yet) but I do know one thing for sure that is the First Step towards Success is Clarity.
“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” -Bruce Lee
We think about our present status and all the current hurdles which dilutes our focus and as a results we lack clarity. Just as the Sun’s brightness gets covered with clouds we lose sight of our goals when temporary problems cross our way or worse we start giving more importance to these problems then our goals.
I agree it is hard to stay enthusiastic about our goals when life throws unexpected difficulties. In such conditions the only question that matters is “How serious are you about your goals?”
“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” — Steve Maraboli
Create in your mind such a precise picture about your successful life that you feel you have already achieved it. Let the vision pull you towards the beautiful life you want. Make your mind habitual towards the successful life you are striving for. Give your subconscious mind a glimpse of what you want so it can start working with you to achieve the dream life.
“We would do well to remember that the success of any struggle depends on the determination of its leaders and the clarity of its purpose, not the doubts of naysayers.” — Saree Makdisi
Most of the time we lose sight of our goals is when we think about other opinions over our inner voice. Many dreams are scarified because people are too concerned about disappointing others. It is sad that people would rather be where they are for the rest of their life then take risks. Getting mocked is people’s biggest fear and I think that’s what differentiates successful people from unsuccessful ones.
One cannot achieve success without stepping out of the comfort zone even if there is a risk of failing or getting mocked by others. We need to clear our thoughts about our own goal and not confuse with what others expect us to do or be.
“People who lack the clarity, courage, or determination to follow their own dreams will often find ways to discourage yours. When you change for the better, the people around you will be inspired to change also….but only after doing their best to make you stop. Live your truth and don’t EVER stop.” — Steve Maraboli
Before you start working on any of your goals you need to ask questions like:
. What exactly do I want?
. Where do I want to reach?
. What am I ready to give or do to reach this goal?
. Where do I see myself in the future?
If you have a clear goal then and only then you can start your journey on the path of success. It is simple (I do not mean easy) to achieve even the toughest goal if you have a clear picture about what exactly you want. Without clarity we make things complicated and delay our success.
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Thank you for the comment Rakesh 🙂 Yes Goal setting is important. I liked to highlight the first step which I believe is knowing what exactly we want. Goals need clarity don’t you think. I am not comparing which is more important I just wanted to highlight that a person should be clear in his mind before planning out anything for a successful life.
Thank you for the comment Anupam 🙂 I am glad you liked the post.
True. I completely agree.
Goal setting is always important as it sets up an expectation and also chalks up a path one needs to take to achieve his destination.
A great article! Very motivational!
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