“Bless that which you want. If you see a person with a beautiful home, bless that person and bless that home. If you see a person with a beautiful car, bless that person and bless that car. If you see a person with a loving family, bless that person and bless that family. If you see a person with a beautiful body, bless that person and bless their body.”— T. Harv Eker
What do you feel about the topic of money? Is it something you enjoy talking about or it makes you feel uncomfortable?
I have been reading and listening to life altering books and seminars by T. Harv Eker and would love to share some titbits of knowledge with the readers that are always hungry for knowledge that makes life amazing well in this particular case rich.
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is one of the best works of T. Harv Eker as I said earlier it can change lives. All we need to do is study our thoughts and feelings about money and we can change our financial condition for good.
Harv like many other success couches teaches us about the power of our mind and how it is controlling everything in our life especially our financial status.
He explains this with a simple example of a tree. The fruits (Money) depend upon the quality of roots (thoughts, emotions, action). When we understand this law of nature a positive shift takes place in our life.
“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible.” — T. Harv Eker”
Everything is energy. Money is also energy. In fact money is a result of our Mental, Emotional and Spiritual condition.
Thought leads to Feeling leads to Action which leads to Result.
Let us understand how our thoughts can make us rich or poor. Let us notice the different beliefs of a rich mind and a poor mind. If you are struggling financially may be you need to notice your beliefs and make some healthy changes. I hope the below given examples help you as much as they helped me.

1) Rich Mind thinks (I create my life) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Life happens to me)
A rich mind believes in creating own life with his/her own thoughts and decisions on the other hand the poor mind believes life happens to him/her.
This single belief controls the destiny of our life. If we believe we create our life then we have control to get us out of any unwanted situation by controlling our thoughts, emotions and actions around that situation.
2) Rich Mind thinks (There is no rich victim) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Victim: Blame, Justify & Complain)
Rich Minds try to learn a lesson from any adverse situation. They never ever see themselves as a victim.
However Poor Minds enjoy the attention or sympathy they receive from being a victim. They blame everyone and everything else for their troubles, they justify their failures and they complain about everything and everyone.
Harv warns his students against blaming, justifying or complaining. He says; “Whenever one blames, justifies or complains s/he slits his/her financial throat.”
What we focus on expands. Complainers become a giant crap magnet.
Harv suggests his student to take on a challenge – 7 Days without any complains. Miraculous things can happen if you can spend 7 days or more without a single complain about anything. You cannot blame or complain out loud or even in your mind. If you find yourself doing it unconsciously cancel the thought and redirect your mind to something pleasant.
3) Rich Mind thinks (Goal is to get rich) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Goal is to get comfortable)
A rich person tries to get or stay rich and he does not care about comfort or convince or if things are difficult.
A poor person looks for easy, comfortable and hopes on getting rich by staying in his comfort zone.
“If you are willing to do only what’s easy, life will be hard. But if you are willing to do what’s hard, life will be easy.” — T. Harv Eker
4) Rich Mind thinks (Play to Win) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Play not to Lose)
Every challenge is an opportunity to win for a Rich Mind. On the other hand a Poor Mind steps consciously in a challenge if s/he absolutely has to with a hope that s/he will not lose.
5) Rich Mind thinks (Everything) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Either / Or)
A Rich Mind understands that true wealth comes from abundance in all areas of life. S/he strives hard for health, happiness, family, spirituality and all major aspects of live along with wealth.
Conversely, a Poor Mind believes s/he will have to scarify his/her health or relationships or something important if s/he tries to acquire wealth.
6) Rich Mind thinks (Admire & Model) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Resent & Envy)
Rich Minds love to be in the company of other successful people. They admire the qualities that make people wealthy. They learn from influential people. They try to model methods of successful people to reach their own goals. They learn from the experiences of others and are a knowledge soaking sponge.
Poor Minds resent successful people. They avoid them and envy them. They try to find fault in them and close their minds towards any wisdom coming from them as they feel inferior to learn from others.
7) Rich Mind thinks (Bigger than their Problem) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Smaller than their Problem)
Rich Minds try to make themselves stronger and bigger than any problem they might be facing. They attack their problems armed with knowledge and dedication. They treat problems as stepping stones as they are aware that it is temporary hurdle and overcoming it will help them grow.
Poor Minds complain and make their problems bigger than they actually are. They let fear overcome them. They think about the worst outcome and try to avoid the problem. They give up great opportunities when they face hurdles.
8) Rich Mind thinks (Results) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Reasons)
A Rich Mind focuses on results. They are concerned about the goal, the end product of any act. They do not care about the hurdles as they have their eyes set on the final prize.
A Poor Mind focuses on reasons or excuses while trying to achieve any target.
9) Rich Mind thinks (Learn & Grow) – Vs – Poor Mind thinks (Already Knows)
A Rich Mind is constantly willing to learn and grow. A Poor Mind closes itself from anything new. It creates an attitude of already knowing enough and avoids studying.
“Your field of focus determines what you find in life.” — T. Harv Eker
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Thanks. It has changed my thinking in some way