Time To Take A Break, Time To Do What You Love!

Here’s good news! Doing the things that you love can actually be a good thing and can benefit your health immensely. Don’t believe us? Here is some scientifically backed evidence that proves that doing your favourite things is actually good to you! So banish those guilt thoughts, start feeling good about yourself and discover why…

Make Losing Weight A Game Of Your Mind And Win

This post is special because I am sharing my big secret about finally getting a grip on my weight problem. I have been struggling with an overweight body for more than a decade now. I got fed up of experimenting with weight loss solutions, diets, exercises whatever you name it I have done it. Nothing…

Cucumber an Amazing Vegetable for Weight Loss and Much More

“He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.” — Thomas Fuller I believe in getting fit without starving and so I am always looking for healthy guilt free food that can be comforting without adding to our waistline. In this post I am sharing my…

10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting Easy

10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting EasyAlan Cleaver / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) They say losing weight is not a sprint but a marathon and that is so right. Getting fit is not about picking up salad now and then but it’s a life time commitment. The celebrities we…

Do Some Acting to Lose Weight or Achieve Any Desire

Do Some Acting to Lose Weight or Achieve Any DesireWagner Machado Carlos Lemes / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) “If it is not easy, if it is not effortless, then you are not doing it right!” – Harry W. Carpenter. Warning this post may sound out of this world or…


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