10 Benefits of Turmeric / Haldi: A Super Spice for Weight Loss and Much More.

10 Benefits of Turmeric/ Haldi: A Super Spice for Weight Loss and Much More
Ragi Energy Balls For Instant Energy (Dieters, Pregnant or Lactating Ladies)
Trying to lose weight can be mentally frustrating and physically exhausting. We have to give up many things we love to eat and try to make peace with fruits or vegetables that we used to always avoid. Many dieters including me are tend to go overbroad with starving self before a special occasion or just…
20 Health Benefits of Drinking Alkaline and Anti-Oxidant Water for Weight loss and much more
It is a good thing that nowadays everyone is getting #health conscious. We try to exercise, eat healthy, meditate and what not to maintain a healthy mind and body. We do whatever is possible but what about things we cannot control. The increase of harmful even toxic chemicals in our environment, pollution, pesticides, excessive use…
Replace Rice with Broken Wheat/ Dalia for a Slimmer and Healthier You
Rice has always been an important part of meal for me. Indian food has a treasure of delicious rice preparations and they are very addictive. We Indians love our rice. Different parts of the nation like rice in their own special way. In south it is enjoyed with Sambhar, in north there is Rajma or…
Cucumber an Amazing Vegetable for Weight Loss and Much More
“He who cures a disease may be the skillfullest, but he that prevents it is the safest physician.” — Thomas Fuller I believe in getting fit without starving and so I am always looking for healthy guilt free food that can be comforting without adding to our waistline. In this post I am sharing my…
10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting Easy
10 Slimming Tips that Makes Dieting EasyAlan Cleaver / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) They say losing weight is not a sprint but a marathon and that is so right. Getting fit is not about picking up salad now and then but it’s a life time commitment. The celebrities we…