10 Benefits of Turmeric / Haldi: A Super Spice for Weight Loss and Much More.

10 Benefits of Turmeric/ Haldi: A Super Spice for Weight Loss and Much More
5 Life Lessons from Art Of Living Happiness Program
Those who know me know that I am a student of life that means I like to keep studying about Power of Mind, Spirituality, Positive Thinking, Health and one of my favorite area – Happiness. I zealously take on every chance to grow my knowledge in the topics mentioned above. Recently I got the opportunity…
9 Foods to Have & 9 Foods to Avoid while Practicing Yoga and Pranayama
This article is inspired by Arun’s comment on my post lose weight, get ageless vibrant health and radiant beauty with anulom vilom pranayam where he asked about food to eat while practicing pranayama. A brief reply to the comment cannot do justice to this important topic hopefully this article does. I would be grateful if…
Lose Weight, Get Ageless Vibrant Health and Radiant Beauty with Anulom Vilom Pranayam.
“If we are creating ourselves all the time, then it is never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with.” — Deepak Chopra Hectic routine, ever increasing stress, toxic atmosphere, addictions and junk food all piles up to lifestyle related diseases. Any one…